Hana Felda Ferica, . (2021) PENGGUNAAN FITUR CARDLESS M-BANKING BCA PADA MAHASISWA UPN VETERAN JAKARTA. Tugas Akhir thesis, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta.

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Cardless is a cash deposit transaction, cash withdrawal, and branch transactions that are carried out without using a card at all. Writing this final project aims to find out how many users of Cardless M-Banking BCA at UPN Veteran Jakarta students, the reasons for using the Cardless feature, the obstacles experienced by users, and user satisfaction in using the Cardless M-Banking BCA feature at UPN Veteran Jakarta students. The writing of this final project uses quantitative methods, namely by collecting data using primary data sources, namely the Google Forms questionnaire. Based on the discussion, it can be seen that with the issuance of the Cardless feature in M-Banking BCA, most students feel the benefits and satisfaction when using the Cardless M-Banking BCA feature. Users feel that the Cardless feature can help customers in terms of convenience and speed of service, for example for transfer purposes, checking savings balances, paying bills and so on. Several problems still occur with the Cardless feature, such as print out reports of transactions that are not held, the transaction code period is too short, and the difficulty of finding ATMs with cardless transaction capabilities. As a result, users feel that these obstacles make it difficult for users to make transactions. The solution is that banks need to increase the provision of ATMs with cardless services as well as print out transaction reports so that users no longer need to check the final balance through the M-Banking application, which takes longer.

Item Type: Thesis (Tugas Akhir)
Additional Information: [No. Panggil: 1810101048] [Pembimbing: Tri Siswantini] [Penguji 1: Siti Hidayati] [Penguji 2: Ardhiani Fadila]
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cardless, satisfaction, user
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory
H Social Sciences > HC Economic History and Conditions
H Social Sciences > HF Commerce
H Social Sciences > HG Finance
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis > Program Studi Perbankan dan Keuangan (DIII)
Depositing User: Hana Felda Ferica
Date Deposited: 23 May 2022 07:54
Last Modified: 23 May 2022 07:54

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